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About Carolyn

As well as offering private treatments to individuals from my treatment room in Childer Thornton, South Wirral, and monthly sound baths in Chester, I am the Lead Tutor and Principal of the Gaia School of Natural Health which offers high level and accredited qualification courses in reflexology and reiki; and a range of exciting CPD courses for qualified therapists. We also host international reflexology guest tutors.

I became interested in complementary therapies in 1994, and trained with one of the UK's top aromatherapy organisations: Shirley Price International College. I hold an International Aromatherapy Bodywork Certificate, an ITEC qualification in Anatomy and Physiology, and an ITEC in Reflexology. In April 2000, I completed an MSc in “Holistic Approaches to Healing”, which culminated in a research trial into aromatherapy for pre-menstrual syndrome. This work was published in 2002. In 2008 I qualified as an adult education teacher and opened my own complementary therapy training school. I am also a Reiki Master Teacher, and hold a Diploma in Crystal Healing and a Diploma in Sound Healing.

I constantly update my skills through attendance on postgraduate courses, on topics ranging from essential oil safety to supporting clients in pain. In 2023 I was a Founder Partner of the Integrated Reflexology Consortium of reflexology training schools, which took over writing and administering the Level 5 Diploma in Practitioner Reflexology awarded by Agored Cymru. As a partnership we revised, updated and received approval for the latest version of the Level 5 Diploma which is now offered by 19 venues across the UK, including the Gaia School of Natural Health.


Quals / Awards

  • 1999 International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC): Anatomy and Physiology
  • 1999 Shirley Price International Aromatherapy Bodywork certificate
  • 2000 International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC): Reflexology
  • 2000 MSc Holistic Approaches to Healing (Liverpool John Moores University)
  • 2008 Certificate of Teaching in The Lifelong Learning Sector CTTLS
  • 2012-2013 Usui Reiki Master Teacher (Liz Bate and Caroline Booth)
  • 2016 Certificate in Crystal Healing (Hope College of Crystal Healing, ACHO accredited)
  • 2017 Diploma in Crystal Healing (Hope College of Crystal Healing, ACHO accredited)
  • 2022 Practitioner Diploma in Sound Healing

Relevant Courses/ knowledge acquired

  • Light touch reflexology led by John Cross
  • Reflexology lymph drainage led by Sally Kay
  • Reflexology using Meridians and Chakras
  • Foot reading led by Jane Sheehan
  • Meridian Seminar led by Inge Dougans
  • Aromantic natural skin care products with Kolbjorn Borseth
  • Advanced reflexology training with Tony Porter
  • Aromatherapy and cancer care conference
  • Aromatherapy for PMS and the menopause
  • Kinesiology muscle testing
  • Reflexology summer school: Reflexology and visualisations for fertility, pregnancy and birth, Vitality reflexology, Traditional Chinese Medicine including ear reflexology
  • Ayurvedic Reflexology with Helen Harris
  • Reproflexology Training with Barbara Scott
  • Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) with Allison Walker
  • Inner Intent Reflexology with Allison Walker
  • Crystal Healing (Hope College of Crystal Healing, ACHO accredited)
  • Adapted Reflextherapy (AdRx) in spinal pain including whiplash with Gunnel Berry
  • Womens' Reflexology with Hagar Basis
  • Foot reading with Sam Belyea
  • Orthopedic Reflexology with Spiros Dimitrakoulas
  • Essential Oil Safety and Essential Formulation with Robert Tisserand
  • Aromatherapy and Mental Health, and Re-shamanising aromatherapy with Salvatore Battaglia.
  • Energy Anatomy I and II with Touchpoint.
  • Maternity reflexology with Moshe Kruchik
  • The Science-Based Manzanares Method(TM) of Reflexology course, taught by Dr. Jesus Manzanares, MD.
  • The Reiki Drum Technique
  • Cacao Ambassador Emissary training

Other work

I have also provided reflexology at events for organisations such as Sure Start and Wirral Healthy Communities, and organised pamper evenings, coordinating teams of therapists e.g. for a staff wellness day at a local high school. I also coordinated a team of reflexologists delivering an introduction to hand reflexology for students at a local private girls' school as part of their conference on healthy living. I work closely with Claire House Children's Hospice, where I have provided staff training in reiki, and currently take student groups along to provide treatments for the hospice staff.

Recently Carolyn saw her article on "Distance Reflexology" a new approach to reflexology published in the December 2020 edition of “Reflexions”, the magazine published by the Association of Reflexologists.

Follow Link to read the article.

2020 AOR published article

Winter 2002 saw the publication of Carolyn's article on her research into PMS and aromatherapy in “In Essence” the journal of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA).

Contact IFPA if you wish to obtain a copy of the Volume.1 No.3 Winter 2002 publication.

2002 IFPA published article
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